What is Medi-Cupping?
A vacuum cupping therapy machine is used to separate the tissue layers, allowing water absorption and renewed blood flow, oxygen and nutrition to undernourished and dehydrated tissue.
What are the benefits of Medi-Cupping?
This modality has demonstrated effects on many conditions including:
●Deep tissue and structural issues-old injuries and chronic movement patterns
●Arthritis, Tendonitis, Bursitis
●Scarring-old, new, keloid, post-surgery
●Loose skin and old deposits from weight loss
●Lymphoedema-general and post-surgery
●Sports-injuries and post-event conditions
It enhances water absorption into congested soft tissue which is like giving a boost in metabolism. It is evident that separation of fused, congested soft tissue and increase in tissue function can be a catalyst for change in many current health conditions. It is very therapeutic to the nervous system allowing persons with high anxiety a true relaxing and beneficial experience. Medi-Cupping is an invaluable tool for calming and rebuilding body logistics.

Lymphatic pathways open so that acidic-toxins can drain away from the injured tissue
Hydration moves to soft tissues and blood flow increases
Connective tissues stretch back to normal.
Muscles soften, scar tissue reduces, attachments strengthen, and knots dissolve.
What will a Medi-Cupping session be like?
The sensation is truly indescribable, often experienced as deep warmth and a tingling sensation lasting long after the treatment has ended. The nervous system is sedated, and people will often descend into a profound state of relaxation.